Expanded States Retreat with Lisa Armstrong & Helga Coetzer


4th-6th July 2025


Join us for a journey of deep transformation and expansion. As we face our fears, we expand beyond the limitation of them. Thank you for finding your way here. We hope that If you feel it in your heart and in your soul, that you are able to join us In February. It is our absolute privilege to accompany you on this deep and transformational journey. Workshops will include medicinal ceremony, breathwork sessions and the use of the Lucia. No.3 (a neurostimulator which induces a hypnagogic trance by activating the pineal gland through specific frequencies of light) to assist in accessing expanded states of awareness, deep intuition, insights and breakthroughs. This is an intuitively crafted journey for anyone ready for an adventure of deep transformation and insight. We have kept the group small and intimate to facilitate individual space for everyone’s development in a safe and sacred space.

This is a journey of the soul toward its own Remembrance. About Expanded States Accessing and expanded state refers to the principal that each of us has within us an Inner Guiding Intelligence which has all the answers we need to live a more Empowered life, free from the sub-conscious patterns forged from our childhood, keeping us within repetitive patterns and causing disharmony within our mind, body and soul.

Medicinal ceremonies, breathwork and light frequencies are some tools which can provide Access to an expanded state of awareness, where we gain access to our Inner Guidance. Using these tools, we are able to quieten the part of neural networks in the brain that we call the Default Mode Network (DMN). The DMN as suggested is the part of the brain that is our “default” when we are not in the present moment. It is this deep subconscious default mode that creates the lens through which we perceive and experience life, and is usually created from our history of intense emotional experience. This keeps us “stuck” in repetitive patterns of experience, subconsciously creating similar patterns of experience throughout our lives. When we are able to bypass this network, we allow access to our inner guiding intelligence, creating new neural pathways in our brain and therefore changing the lens through which we perceive and therefore experience our lives, allowing us to live more enriched, fulfilling, empowered and harmonious lives. Preparation The depth of your healing experience depends on your personal mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual preparation. Committing to this journey is a measure of your commitment to yourself. The preparation and Integration parts of this experience are essential.

Apart from the online support offered as a part of the programme, there is preparation needed leading up to this experience. Some of the preparation is supportive and some essential. We will send through a outline of all required mental, physical, and emotional preparation.

Itinerary (Schedule subject to change)

Friday 4th July

14.00 Check In

15:00 Introduction

16:00 – 18:30 Breathwork

Saturday 5th July

05:00 Sunrise Intension setting Breathwork

Light Breakfast

Beach / Forest

14:00 Medicine Journey

19.00 Dinner

Sunday 6th July

07:00 Breathwork & Final Sharing

10:00 Brunch

Preparation and Integration In order to benefit the most from this Journey, we invite you to join us 4 weeks before the retreat for weekly live zoom chats. Here we will be creating a sacred and safe container for the experience, setting intensions for our own personal self-development and inner journeys. We will also share breathwork sessions, beginning to navigate expanded states before the retreat. We will also offer weekly meetings for four weeks after our retreat which will serve as integration and a safe space in which to share any insights that may come up after the journey.

Facilitators: Lisa & Helga

With an innate quest for truth and authenticity, Lisa never resonated with the old paradigm. With a financial career abandoned, she was drawn to the simple truth of nature. The magnetic call of the ocean lead the path to a career in Scuba Diving and a deep desire to share a different perspective of life with others. Nature has a way of uncovering our truths.

After building and operating an Eco-Lodge in Mozambique, her passion for exploring and understanding the frontiers of human consciousness drew her on a path of self-discovery, studying Yoga ,Kinesiology, Psych-k, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Fractal Psychology, Neurodynamic Breathwork, Plant Medicines, Bio-geometry, with a passion for learning more about the ever-expanding fields of Quantum Physics, Unified Science and Neuroscience.

Lisa has an intuitive understanding that we each are gifted with the potential to be anything, do anything, without exception. She provides a safe space and skills in which to break through the boundaries of the conditioned human mind allowing access to greater levels of human potential that are dormant within each human heart and mind.


Helga is passionate about the journey of self-discovery. Rooted in personal experiences, she holds an unwavering belief in the untapped potential within every person, a potential waiting to be uncovered. Encoded within the wisdom of personal narratives and etched into the fabric of our beings is a path beckoning towards self-realization.

Advocating for the liberation from repetitive stories, she believes that by embracing the discomfort inherent in these narratives and through deep connection, we discover our true inner power. Having undergone extensive training in various alternative methodologies such as Bodytalk, Cranio-sacral therapy, Psych-K, Breathwork and Bio-geometry, she brings a wealth of knowledge to her practice.

With 35 years dedicated to holistic healing and a personal journey marked by overcoming traumas and barriers, she passionately maintains the belief that individuals can shape the world they choose to perceive. The transformative potential embedded within our stories and bodies is a central theme in her philosophy. Dedicated to unlocking and sharing the keys to this potential, she emphasizes the importance of connection with the discomfort of narratives and the profound power residing within them. More than a practitioner, she stands as a living testament to the transformative power of self-discovery and the boundless potential present within every individual.

Click here to view our rooms.

Please confirm your booking by paying into the banking details below and sending me proof of payment:


Account Name: Indian Ocean Eco Experience CC

Account number; 1088955282

Branch: Kloof 198765

Once payment has been received, we can secure your booking and allocate your room.

Cancellation policies:

Cancelled more than 30 days prior to arrival: 25% of the full retreat charge

Cancelled 15-30 days prior to arrival: 50% of the full retreat charge

Cancelled 8-14 days prior to arrival: 75% of the full retreat charge

Cancelled less than 7 days prior to the arrival: 100% of the full retreat charge