Please note we only offer treatments to the participants attending a retreat.
Shiatsu Massage with Cheryl Aveyard
Cheryl studied Shiatsu at the British School of Shiatsu and graduated BSS-Do in 2005. She has practised in London, Naples and Durban.
She practises Zen Shiatsu and offers both 1 hour full body treatments, done on a mat on the floor, and ½ hour Back, Neck & Shoulder treatments, done on a chair.
Shiatsu is a Japanese word meaning "finger pressure". It's a hands-on therapy, with its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture used both as a compliment to conventional medicine and as a preventative/alternative therapy.
As a Holistic therapy Shiatsu works with the energy of the body to bring about healthy balance on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. It can be used as a preventative therapy or to target a specific condition.
30 min R350 / 1 hr R600
Massage with Cynthia Cole
Cynthia is a Registered Aromatherapist and Reflexologist and has been in Practice for the past 15 years. She offers Sports Massage, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Reiki as well as Indian Head Massage.
Aromatherapy - A powerful relaxing treatment that is uplifting and revitalizing. Essential oils are blended to help treat the mind, body and soul that ensures relaxation whilst relieving tension.
Reflexology - The combined art and science of working reflex points on the feet that trigger release of stress, induces deep relaxation in the most natural way supporting the body’s natural ability to heal itself and counteract fatigue that allows your body’s own natural healing process. Improves circulation and revitalizes energy.
Indian Head Massage - A traditional technique of manipulating soft tissue in the upper back, arms, neck, face and scalp to improve mental and emotional stress. This massage relieves chronic NECK and shoulder tension. Excellent for disturbed sleep and insomnia.
Reiki - An ancient healing system to relax, energize and balance mind, body and spirit in the most natural way, supporting the boy’s natural ability to heal itself.
Sports Massage - This massage technique is a manipulation of the soft tissue, working in conjunction with the muscular structure of the body. Boosts the circulatory system and improves muscle tone.
30 min R350 / 1 hr R600
Massage & Reiki with Diane Visser
Dianne Visser is a Registered Aromatherapist and Reflexologist of over 15 years. She is also a Reiki Master, Spiritual Healer, Indian Head Massage Therapist, Holistic and Spiritual Counsellor, Sports Massage Therapist and Hypnotherapist.
“I am a Holistic Counsellor and Life Coach, reflexologist, aromatherapist, hypnotherapist and Reiki Master. I completed the Life Line course 25 years ago and counselled with Life Line for many years. I also completed the Hospice Course so I can work with people dealing with Grief and Trauma. I have studied Emotional Freedom Technique, and I have a Doctorate in Metaphysics. I taught Reiki classes with my dear friend, Sr Marilyn Brown for 15 years. We also taught Reiki to carers from Assisi Mission and from Scottbugh and Umzinto Catholic Church. We had our notes transcribed into Zulu and our dear friend Thuli taught the Reiki in Zulu. In addition to Reiki, we taught self-empowerment and self-care, (massage and basic reflexology), the Four Fold Way and Emotional Freedom Technique.
I am fascinated by the connection between body, mind, emotions and health. I am equally enchanted with energy and the way we are connected to one another and every living being on the planet. I work with the intuitive gifts that I have been born with, and when I work with you, I see the whole of you. I look with you at your life, and I will assist you to find your best and most positive and productive way forward. You have the answers inside of you. I will simply guide you to find them.
Throughout our lives we are all faced with many challenges. Sometimes we need someone to walk beside us, to guide us, support us and give us hope. To remind us that we are worthy, that we have courage, that we are resilient and that we are heard. “
30 min R350 / 1 hr R600
Reflexology with Jenny Ravenscroft
Registered Therapeutic Reflexologist with AHPCSA
Reflexology is an alternate holstic therapy which aims to treat the body as a whole and endeavors to get to the root cause of the disease and not the symptom.
Reflexes on the feet are a mirror image of all the organs, glands and parts of the body. The reflexologist stimulates reflex areas or the feet. In doing this the vital energy flow through the body is encouraged, blockages in the energy channels are removed and there are no restrictions in the functioning of various systems. A reflexology treatment brings about a calm state of mind and this contributes to a positive outlook on life. The physiological benefits centre on relaxing the body and a relaxed body and mind creates the starting point for the body to heal itself and create health wich implies optimum functioning of all the bodily systems.
45min R500
Kahuna Bodywork/massage with Karen Verburgh
Vibrant and transformative, Kahuna bodywork is a unique mind, body, spirit technique from Hawaii, the brainchild of Kahuna, Abraham Kawai’i. Using forearms, hands, and elbows in deep, dynamic, flowing strokes, the practitioner uses intuition and focused intention to release physical and energetic blockages and restore health and balance to body, mind, and spirit.
Honouring the body’s innate wisdom and ability to self-heal this transformational bodywork is gentle and yet very powerful. It will leave you feeling more in touch with yourself and with greater awareness of thoughts and feelings and their impact on your health and life. The natural dance-like rhythm, much like the ebb and flow of the ocean lulls one into deep relaxation. As core layers of tension are revealed and released, you will feel more connected to self and to life, open, at ease, balanced, light and alive!
My name is Karen Verburgh and I am a healer. My journey started by having to heal myself from a young age, and in that process I at first became interested in, and later passionate about supporting other people on their healing journeys as well.
I have been working as a human development counsellor and (team) coach since 2000 and became interested in working with people’s bodies when I experienced the power of the body and bodywork for myself in 2010 in Jo’burg. At first through NIA dancing and then Kahuna bodywork/massage. I did my first Kahuna training in 2012 and I was sold. It is such a beautiful and powerful holistic healing modality!
Since then I have done all 7 levels of training, resat some trainings and am a member of KASA: the Kahuna Association South Africa. Since last year I am in Scottburgh and so happy to share my work with you at/from this beautiful part of the world.
1 hr R750 / 90 min R900
Sound healing and Energy Balancing with Sandy Morris
Sandy qualified as a yoga teacher in Pretoria in July 2005 and has been teaching yoga since then. Her training was based on The Bihar School of yoga {or Satyananda yoga) whose belief system focuses on the balancing and healing aspect of ourselves.
Sandy completed a training program in Antaneea Technique in 2007, qualified as an advanced Usui Reiki therapist in 2010 and completed training in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) in 2015.
Sandy has always been drawn to the healing energies of our bodies and discovered the “Chimes” during her Antaneea training in Johannesburg. Believing that our energetic bodies respond to sound and its vibration, when we hear different sound we naturally link in to this energetic vibration allowing healing and balance to take place.
“Music is good for the soul”. When we are in a relaxed safe space, we respond naturally to sound vibration gently allowing the balance and healing of ourselves at whatever level our bodies know we need at that time.
The treatment is given in a quiet relaxed environment on a therapy bed and takes approximately 60 minutes.
60min R550
Mediumship with Candice Purchase
Mediumship Readings: Connecting with your past loved ones.
Evidential Mediumship is connecting with your passed loved ones, delivering evidence that they are with us and messages from them, helping you in your healing journey.
Psychic Readings, a general reading, answered questions about your life. I use cards and receive psychic intuitive information. If you have concerns in your life, carrier, relationships, etc…this reading helps you gain clarity, direction and insight. Looking into your past, present and near future, giving you messages, advice, guidance and healing.
Mediumship Readings R750
Psychic Readings R750
Oribi Gorge
One of KwaZulu-Natal's most spectacular natural settings, the scenic Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve lies some 40 km inland from Pumula. Ideal for a day-excursion, Oribi offers many delightful walks and self-guided trails to scenic spots in the reserve.
The scenery along the gorge formed by the Umzimkulwana River is a photographer's and nature lover's paradise. There are numerous idyllic picnic spots on the banks of the river.
Wild 5 Adventures is situated near the Oribi Gorge Hotel, it offers a range of extreme (and milder) adventures in a setting of phenomenal beauty. These include a 110m abseil, foefie-slide, 85m suspension bridge, white water rafting on the Umzimkhulu river, paintball, teambuilding and guided trails.
If you are a thrill seeker looking for the adrenaline-rush of a lifetime, the Wild Gorge Swing in Oribi Gorge will offer you guaranteed over-the-edge excitement! Rated as the world’s highest gorge swing, this activity means stepping (or diving) off the edge of the Lehr’s waterfall and plummeting into the 55 storey deep gorge. The free-fall is awesome and will have you accelerating up to the astounding speed of 120km/hours in 2.5 seconds.
Lake Eland Game Reserve
Lake Eland Game Reserve is a 5000 acre game reserve overlooking the Oribi Gorge. You can enjoy game viewing and spot zebra, giraffe, eland, wilderbeast, bushbusck. There are lots of picnic and braais areas where you can stop by. Lake Eland also offers the Zip Line Tour which includes 14 slides over 4.7km that give you breathtaking view over the gorge. One of the main highlight of Lake Eland Game Reserve is to walk across the 80m suspension bridge, you’ll be inspired by the magnificence and grandeur of the Oribi gorge.
Whether you are a professional surfer or a beginner, there are lots of excellent surf spots on our beautiful South Coast.
Pumula Surf School and Surf Camp is situated 2kms away from Pumula Retreat and offers a wide range of surf classes for all levels as well as Stand Up Paddle Board lessons.
Please contact Hayley for more information 078 444 7130
Scuba Diving
Aliwal Shoal is situated 40km north of Pumula and 5km out to sea from Umkomaas and offers various unforgettable diving experiences. Aliwal Shoal is rated as one of the top dive sites of the world according to Jacques Cousteau. The reef is inhabited by many kinds of hard and soft corals and a variety of tropical and subtropical fish species. Dive with turtle, ragged tooth sharks, manta rays, dolphins and many other beautiful creatures from the underworld for an unforgettable experience. Aliwal Shoal was named after the near-sinking of the 3 Masted vessel "Aliwal". There are two wrecks near the reef that are popular recreational dive sites. Dive courses are also available at a very affordable price.
Protea Banks is situated 25km south of Pumula and 7.5km out to sea from Shelly Beach. The reef lies at a depth of between 27 and 40 meters. It is about 6km long and 800 wide. Essentially a fossilised sandbank which comes up from 60m, the reef is known for the huge concentration and variety of shark species. Most common are hammerhead, Zambezi (bull), ragged tooth, tiger and dusky sharks.
Whales and dolphins watching
From May to December, humpback and smaller number of southern right whales migrate along our coastline from their feeding grounds in the nutrient-rich waters of Antarctic to their breeding grounds off the coast of Mozambique making their return journey between September and December. Over the years, their activity has been growing and during season you’ll be able to spot them from the house. Boat tours can be organized from Shelley beach if you want to have a closer look at these majestic giants of the sea.
Common and Bottle nose dolphins are often spotted on the coast especially playing in the surf.
Deep sea-fishing
The South Coast provides excellent fishing opportunities; game species include yellow fin tuna, dorado, barracuda… The reefs are inhabited by rockcod, bream, englishman, slinger, stumpnose, scotsman, musselcracker, red steenbras, pink salmon, geelbek (salmon) and the majority of the other red fish species. The protea bream is a lovely fish to eat and is only found on Protea Reef.
Horse Riding
The South Coast offers a range of activities and trails for horse riding. There are riding trails that take you onto unspoilt beaches, lush coastal forests with panoramic sea views, or through the scenic cliffs and game, eg. kudu, impala hartebees etc. at Oribi Gorge Game Reserve.
For bookings, please contact Jolette 074 174 1062
Thanda is a community-based organisation that is located 40 min from Pumula Retreat in a rural community. Thanda provides innovative solutions for sustainable development. They aim to create safer, stronger communities by providing educational and skills-building opportunities to individuals. Their mission is to empower people to create positive change – change in individuals, change in their communities and eventually changes that impact the world. Today, Thanda offers four core programmes: 1) Early Childhood Development; 2) After-school Programming; 3) Organic Farming; and 4) Creative Learning Training.
Contact to set up a fun day of volunteering and giving back or simply visit their colourful community centre.